Principal's Blog

Studies show that when a school offers a healthy, supportive environment, students enga...

Swipe Right on Eastlake HS

October 2, 2024

If you’re looking for a high school that’ll help you achieve your goals, sw...

If your to-do list is longer than your to-done list, don’t worry. Tuition-free, f...

Eastlake HS is Free

August 27, 2024

How much does it cost to attend Eastlake High School? Not a penny. Eastlake is tuition-...

Myth-Busting at Eastlake HS

August 13, 2024

At Eastlake High School, the tuition-free, no-fee non-traditional high school, we provi...

Research suggests that there is a link between academic outcomes and the challenges a t...

We know. You’re in a hurry to get that diploma and step out into the world. At Ea...

Miss a day of school; miss an opportunity. At Eastlake High School, the tuition-free, f...

It’s frustrating when your phone freezes while you’re downloading a new app...

Wondering what kind of school Eastlake is? We’re not an alternative to traditiona...

Ever feel lost in the crowd at a big, traditional high school? At Eastlake High School,...

Do you find yourself watching the clock slowly tick towards 3pm and wishing it woul...

Big changes have come to Eastlake High School: we’ve made the commitment to t...

Eastlake High School is proof that great things really can come in small packages. We a...

At Eastlake High School, everyone has options on the path to graduation. We get to ...

We’re Here for You

April 2, 2024

Have you ever felt like it was hard to learn in a traditional school setting? The r...

Ready to enroll in a high school that’s got your back? There are only 5 easy ...

Don’t let high school pass you by without finding a place to connect and belo...

Nervous about what life holds after high school? Unsure what direction you should t...

“Eastlake High School has provided para support, guided note taking, and a progra...

Curious what Eastlake High School is really like? Our small, charter high school is all...

Think you want to give up on graduation? Don’t throw shade on all high schools. B...

Do you feel off track? It’s not too late, nor is it impossible to achieve your gr...