Support Services
Child Find
Eastlake High School is participating in an effort to assist the State of Colorado in identifying, locating, and evaluating all students who may have disabilities hindering their ability to receive FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education).
School districts across the state of Colorado are also participating in this effort to identify disabilities such as hearing impairments, visual impairments, speech or language impairments, specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, multiple disabilities, cognitive impairments, physical impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, and other health impairments.
We are committed to affording each student the right to a free and appropriate public education, regardless of any disability a student may have. However, in order to accomplish this, we must know that a need is present.
Eastlake High School is interested in meeting the needs of students with disabilities. If you know a student who may have disabilities, contact the school for more information.