About Us

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Welcome to Eastlake High School

Eastlake High School provides a unique and supportive environment for students. By combining academic achievement and growth with post-secondary and workforce readiness skills, students are prepared for a successful future. To be an Eastlake High School student, you will be required to make a commitment to yourself and to us, to follow the school program and to REACH for your goals in life.

School Information Summary

Founded in 2004, Eastlake High School was originally named Life Skills High School and was under the management of White Hat Management. As of 2018, the Board of Directors for the school decided to separate from White Hat Management and change the name of the school.

Certain Eastlake information herein is considered proprietary.  Format, designs and other such materials within this website are the intellectual property of Eastlake High School of Colorado Springs and may not be distributed, or reproduced without the express written permission of Eastlake High School of Colorado Springs.

Why Choose a Charter School?

A 2022 study conducted by Harris Poll surveyed 5,000 parents in the U.S. indicated parents want to have a say in where their children attend school. Since the pandemic, parents have become more involved in their children’s education. In 2021, 240,000 students were newly enrolled in public charter schools.

In this episode, we listen to a chat with the CEO of Rainer Valley Leadership Academy (RVLA) in Seattle, Washington, Baionne Coleman, and RVLA parent, Nicole Franklin on why some families choose charter schools. We covered the topics of academic rigor, sense of community, and a culturally affirming environment.
