9 Ways of Getting Unstuck with Nontraditional High School

Are you stuck in an emotional rut? Feeling like you’re psychologically unsubscribed from life? Believe us, we get it, and that’s why Eastlake High School (Eastlake) exists. We’re a not-so-typical tuition free, fee free public school for grades 9-12, destined to provide customized learning journeys and whole person support so you can overcome your life obstacles and achieve the career goals of your dreams.

9 Reasons Students Can Feel Stuck

If you check any of these boxes, we have the support you need to get unstuck and seek a bright future. Remember, this is temporary. You may have these feelings but you are not your feelings.

  • feeling overload, overwhelm, and burnout
  • practicing self-limitation and self-sabotage
  • experiencing depression or anxiety
  • unsure of your why
  • lacking support and/or finances
  • fearing of the unknown
  • comparing and judging yourself against others
  • resisting change
  • losing your purpose

Eastlake High School students in the computer room, one wearing glasses and a lanyard with keys, the other with a mask pulled to chin.

Did you know that not all schools are created the same? If traditional district schools haven’t worked out for you, Eastlake could be the alternative pathway to your high school diploma. We’re different on purpose. Here are 9 ways we successfully get students unstuck, uncover their genius, and renew hope.

9 Ways To Get Unstuck at Eastlake

We are a school of aspirations and options, with a faculty and staff offering tireless, unwavering support to ensure that no one slips through the cracks.

Awareness is Awesomeness - First, recognize you’re stuck. Once you are aware that you have options, Eastlake faculty and staff personally help you design your learning journey. It’s empowering to raise awareness to yourself that “stuck” is temporary.

Love Yourself - Give yourself the gift of a chance at a new life. We help you uncover your strengths and talents so you can embrace them and love that about yourself, in high school and in life beyond your diploma.

Reel In Responsibility - It takes guts to take action towards a big goal. Pull on your responsibility pants and enroll at Eastlake. It’s your turn to take the wheel for a great future.

Unhinge Unrealistic Expectations - You can’t become a brain surgeon by simply dreaming. Our Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness Coordinator helps you to set achievable realistic goals and action steps towards your dream life after high school.

Tune In to the Present - Regardless of your past, the only time that matters is the present. Fit classes around your life with shorter days, year-’round school (we take one month off in summer), flexible schedules and two graduations a year. Time is on your side at Eastlake.

Visualize Your Dream - Manifestation is magic. Once you have a clear visual of what life you’re aiming for, our dedicated faculty and staff can help you stay on your unique path to your dream.

Seek Support - From a dedicated tutor to mental health support and a community closet, Eastlake has the supports you need to survive and thrive. For example, our Family Advocate helps students practice new behaviors and ways to deal with the many problems life presents.

Ditch the Downers - Say goodbye to negative self talk and let go of harmful relationships. Eastlake implements Restorative Practices to build positive relationships and establish a safe, inclusive, supportive environment that is fair, consistent, and democratic.

Mind the Mindset - We can’t give you everything. You need to bring the can do attitude and the positive mindset to allow all of our flexibility and unwavering support work for you. You can do it! We believe in you!

Have we mentioned that our school is 100% tuition-free and fee free? Are you starting to feel that energizing unstuck feeling yet? You got this! And we are right here ready to help you level up to limitless possibilities. You’re already on the right track reading this. Enroll at Eastlake today! 


About Eastlake High School
Eastlake High School is an alternative, tuition-free public high school launched in 2004 as an answer to the growing number of students seeking options on the path to a diploma. Our highly qualified staff meets students where they are, with flexible scheduling and custom-built academic programs. Community, personalized learning and unwavering support are the heart of our mission. Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, we enroll 9th-12th grade students year-round. Join us – We’re different on purpose.